Audubon Artists Member Directory

These are the current members of Audubon Artists. Click on a name to get more details about the member.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 511

 NameLevel Media Website City State
Irving JonesAssociate Membership $40
Mary MckennaAssociate Membership $40
Tamara WoronczukElected Membership $70
Tom BaileyAssociate Membership $40PastelsTomBaileyArt.comMassachusetts
Wilmer Louis AndersonElected Membership $70AquamediaWisconsin
argiro agelarakisAssociate MembershipCollage/MMargiesart.comNew York
Selma SternElected MembershipCollage/MM
Sue WallAssociate MembershipOils/AcrylicsNew York
Elaine Angel GomerElected MembershipOils/AcrylicsFlorida
Zlatina CholakovaElected MembershipCollage/MM
Elizabeth OchoaAssociate MembershipCollage/MM
Nancy YangElected MembershipPastels
Pi-shuang HsiaoAssociate MembershipPastels
Leslie HuttoElected Membership $70SculptureAiken
Mitsu WaltersAssociate Membership $40SculptureAlbrightsville
Kathleen Amore SmithAssociate Membership $40Oils/AcrylicsAllentown
James DePietroElected MembershipOils/Acrylicsjamesadepietropaintings.comAllentownPennsylvania
Victoria DeMarco SchumannElected Membership $70Oils/AcrylicsAmbler
Minnie WarburtonAssociate Membership $40Aquamediaminniewarburton.comAnnopolis
Tatyana TeichbergElected MembershipOils/AcrylicsArdselyNew York
Robert KipnissHonorary MemberGraphicsArdsley on Hudson
Robert KipnissHonorary MemberGraphicsArdsley on Hudson
DebiLynn FendleyAssociate Membership $40GraphicsDebiLynnFendleyStudios.comArkadelphia
Dongze HuoAssociate Membership $40Astoria
Joseph RossiAssociate Membership $40Sculpturetonyreinemann.comAstoria
 NameLevel Media Website City State

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Audubon Artists Silver Medal of Honor

Associate Members

Audubon Artists Gold Medal of Honor

Elected Members

Audubon Artists the John J. Karpick 1961 Memorial Award

Honorary Members